Competition Overview

The competition is open to Accredited DDA Members. Each category has unique eligibility criteria and entry requirements.

For each project, entrants are required to submit photos, drawings and a design statement for the judges to review. Basic project and entrant information is also required, including the project's overall budget, a headshot and bio, and a project brief.

Entries must be the principal work of the entrant submitting the entry. Entrants who worked collaboratively on a project may submit the project as a team as long as all entrants meet the eligibility criteria.

Gold, silver and bronze winners may be chosen in each category. Choice award finalists are selected from among the winners of various categories. This year, we look forward to presenting the following choice awards:

People's Choice Award – selected by the general public from among the gold winners of each category.

Influencer's Choice Award – selected by a Canadian design influencer from among the winners of the Whole Home categories.

Register as an entrant for full details about the competition by clicking “Enter Now” below. Entrants may create an entry without committing to submitting it.


Be sure to read the rules and regulations and the eligibility requirements.

Create your member profile.

Once you've created your member profile, login here.

After logging in, you will be able to add new submissions and edit them until the closing date.

To add a new submission, login and click the enter submission link in the menu.

Select a category and provide a name for the submission so you can recognize it easily later. This is a name used for your purposes only. Judges will not see this title you provide.

Fill in the form to provide the information required for the category.

You can see all of the submissions you have entered by clicking the view submissions link in the menu. From here you can edit the submissions by clicking on the add/edit photos link and the written submission link.

Submissions will not be judged until you declare the submission final, and all submissions not declared final will be disqualified.

The cost per submission is $50.00 for a Student Member.

The cost per submission is $100.00 for a Student Non-Member.

The cost per submission is $125.00 for an Accredited Member.

Please download and print the payment form and submit with your payment.